These Porcelain floor tiles had been laid in the hallway of a block of flats in Luton and had seen a fair amount of foot traffic resulting in the usual build-up of dirt and grime making it well overdue for a deep clean.
Cleaning Ceramic Floor Tiles
To clean Porcelain tiles I would normally just apply Tile Doctor Pro-Clean however given the amount of dirt in the tile we needed all the help we could get so the Pro-Clean was mixed 50/50 with NanoTech Ultra Clean which results in the creation of a powerful tile cleaner that contains Nano sized abrasive particles that can penetrate deep into the dirt. The cleaning solution was left to dwell on the surface of the tile for twenty minutes before scrubbing the floor with rotary machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad. You could see the dirt coming out of the floor at this point so once the whole floor was scrubbed I switched to a Rotovac machine which applies and removes water at high pressure to remove the soil and rinse the floor at the same time.
You can see from the photograph above which was taken with the Rotovac machine in use the difference in the tiled floor.
Source: Cleaning Porcelain Tiles in Luton
You make cleaning Porcelain tiles sound so easy.